Choronzon and Battle Magick

New World Chaos

New World Chaos

The following is a letter that appeared in issue 270 of Fortean Times in answer to the article “The Magical Battle of Britain” which appeared in Fortean Times issue 267.

Normally, the attention we get via conspiracy/anomaly/reptilian spotters is fearful and negative, so it’s good to have a little understanding.

Iraq War Workings

In “The Magical Battle of Britain” [ FT267:34-41], Dave Evans and David Sutton ask: Who, if anyone, is doing magic regarding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to what ends?”

I came across the following snippet on the internet, in a comment about the (unrelated but spooky) “Wyoming Incident” TV interception hoax:

“In occult circles, the number 333 is associated with an “entity” (which exists if you believe in it, and does not if you do not) called “Choronzon”. It was once described in various magickal texts (notably by Aleister Crowley) as a demon that is the “most dreaded of all the forces of evil”. There are others who find Choronzon more complex and interesting the a “devil”. Two of them decided to use the name for a project…..a music project, though it’s more than just a band. I believe these videos might be a bit of fallout from that project even though their creators do not likely know this (unless someone told them!)

“a few years ago, there was an extended “working” called New World Chaos…in which these two individuals- one based in California, one in Florida- enacted a program for this entity Choronzon to follow….one that was supposed to bring about various subtle changes to the subconscious American under-mind.



“Essentially, various cultural fabrics of the USA were to become unravelled- particularly the ones involved with mindless patriotism and monotheism. Other threads were to knit themselves. It was all supposed to implant via this entity Choronzon- or just the idea, maybe?- into the country’s mass mind.

“The event had many results. There was a distinct anti-Bushist slant to this particular work and so it is rather interesting to note that the House resolution to impeach Bush ended up being H.R. 333. The year that the ritual was done was the year Katrina happened and that point the tide of public opinion, which had run in majority favor of Bush and of the war in Iraq, did turn, in that year, to the opposite pole. It is one of the most successful magickal workings in recent times, and these hoax videos are yet more evidence that there was some effect, albeit scattered, from the strange doings of this pair. It makes one wonder what could happen were they truly focused….or if there were more individuals involved.”

James Hedges

Written in response to This article.


ATOMSWEIGHT Al-Zalzalah: THE EARTHQUAKE When Earth is shaken with her final earthquake And Earth discharges her burdens, And mankind says: What is wrong with her ? That day, she will relate her news, Because your Lord inspires her. That day, people will be separated into categories to be shown the results of their deeds. And whoever does an atom's weight in good will see it then, And whoever does an atom's weight in evil will see it then. from the Q'uran